The logo for island heights united methodist church

Discover Island Heights UMC


We know it can be unsettling to come into a new place of worship. Regular attenders already know one another, and during the service they know what’s coming next. For newcomers, however, it can feel awkward, like the first day of school, so here is some "inside" information!

Worship begins at 9:30, and In an effort to prepare ourselves for worship, the congregation is asked to refrain from talking once the organist begins playing the prelude.  Children will sit with their families, and we have a "busy" bag with crayons and colorig pages for their enjoyment.
​We also have a closed-circuit TV in our Fellowship Hall for those attending to restless little ones. Church lasts about an hour, and all are invited to have coffee and light refreshments in our Fellowship Hall after church. 

You are part of God’s family and we want to make your experience with us as meaningful as possible. We are committed to worship, the study of the Bible and ministering to the community. We welcome you, and hope you will contact us if we can be of any assistance.


​The history of our town is forever interwoven with our church. It was in 1878 when a pastor stood by the river and had a dream that became the Methodist Camp Meeting, and in 1882 the First Methodist Church was established.

Time, like the tides of the river, brings change, and those first camp meetings are now a memory, but the work of the Lord continues and grows.

Meet Our Staff

You are Welcome Here!

Island United Methodist Church is a diverse community united in the belief that all people are beloved children of God and are worthy of dignity, respect, and love. We believe that it is our job to 'love one another,' which applies to everyone, everywhere, regardless of race, religion, socioeconomic status, gender, sexual orientation, political ideologies, theological perspectives, age, abilities or any other potentially dividing characteristics.



To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.


Inviting people into growing a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and one another through worship, while learning, praying, giving, serving and caring for one another and our community in faith. We see our faith life as a journey, and we travel it together; we have fun along the way, and want to share it with others. In short: “The Joy is in the Journey—Join us!”


1. Strategies for Achieving our Vision

  • Presenting opportunities to experience the transforming presence of Jesus Christ 
  • Invitation/growth
  • Caring for one another as a community of faith

2. Measurable Results to Determine the Attainment of These Strategies

  • Worship attendance 
  • Participation in Sunday School, Bible Study
  • Participation in Small Groups
  • Participation in mission and outreach projects 
  • Generous giving

Our Facilities

Our church facilities offer a wide number of rooms and spaces that can be used for a variety of needs - classes, luncheons, reunions, weddings and other events for families and organizations.


The United Methodist Church recognizes two sacraments in which Christ himself participated: baptism and the Lord's Supper. Persons of any age may be baptized—infants, children, youth, and adults. A person receives the sacrament of baptism only once in their life. It marks the beginning of a lifelong relationship as a disciple of Christ. 



At Island Heights UMC we are honored to help you celebrate your wedding! Our facilities provide an exceptional backdrop to your wedding, including our sanctuary built in 1925 with beautifully exposed wooden architecture located in Victorian Island Heights.

As you plan your wedding, our staff is here to assist you in planning a service that celebrates your relationship in the presence of God. We look forward to sharing in this special day!


Other Events

We also offer our facilities for a variety of other recurring and one-time events. To request the use of space in our Sanctuary, Fellowship Hall or one of our meeting rooms please contact us at (732) 929-0444.

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