At Island Heights UMC, we have several ways to get involved, whether you're an energetic youth looking to get involved or a friendly face looking to welcome parishioners to our weekly services we've got a place that will suit you well. We know that life can be challenging, don't do it alone. Join a small group or committee!
Join us as we engage in a lively discussion about the scriptures. All are welcome, bring a friend!
Thursdays 10:30-11:30 am in Fellowship Hall
The purpose of the Men’s Ministry is to help men build an intimate personal relationship with God through Christ and with each other through prayer, Bible study, and fellowship.
Meet on the second Tuesday of the month at 12 in Fellowship Hall. Please bring a bag lunch, beverage and dessert will be provided.
President: Steve Nycz
Prepare and serve a community breakfast on the 3rd Saturday of each month from 8:00 to 10:00 am.
Distributes food on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month from 9:30 to 11:30 am.
(due to ongoing renovations Food Pantry is currently closed)
Meets the 2nd Monday of each month at 12:00 pm in a member's home.
Directed by Tom Van Duyne and features our students, as well as an inter-generational group. No experience necessary!
Directed by Tom Van Duyne. The choir sings traditional worship songs and rehearsals are Thursday Evenings, 6:30-7:30 PM. All skill levels are welcome
The UMW devote themselves to Christian service and outreach. Programs of interest are open to all women of the church.
Subgroups within the UMW.
Co-chair: Gail Hosler and Bettie Lou Kenny
Secretary: Joyce Hoyer
Treasurer: Dawn Kaye
Meets every Wednesday at 9:30 am. in the Craft Room downstairs.
The women gather all year to create unique and attractive items to sell at the Christmas House Tour and at various other functions during the year. Come take part in crafting for mission projects while making new friends!
Meets on Monday at 10:30 in the Fellowship Hall.
Participants gather to share projects on which they are working. Many items are donated to various organizations. All are welcome to come to share (or learn) skills and knowledge in the needlework arts. Contact Pat McWilliams at 732-691-1330 or Betty Brokaw at 908-392-8099 for more information.
Meets on Wednesday mornings at 8:00 during spring, summer, and fall. They are a group that enjoys gardening and working to beautify the church grounds. Helping hands are always welcome.
Meets the 4th Wednesday each month at 12:00 pm. The discussion book can be picked up from the church office.
Members bring a lunch, with dessert and beverages provided. Books that are read are contemporary fiction and non-fiction and are discussed from a Christian prospective. Contact Joan Millard 732-929-0015 or Susan Horn at 732-267-0774 for more information.
Meets the 1st Wednesday of each month at 11:45 am in Fellowship Hall from September to June.
The women bring a lunch, with dessert and beverages provided by the hostesses. They gather to share fellowship, devotions, and outreach to shut-ins. At times, speakers are invited to bring information that would be of interest to the group.
Focusing on those who are ostracized and less fortunate than ourselves. Currently they are educating each other regarding racial injustice and seeking ways that they can assist in eliminating injustice. Contact Cindy Roche at 908-507-5311 to learn more.
Acts between annual meetings and special meetings of the congregation to carry out business that is not of sufficient importance to call a meeting of the congregation. Acting on behalf of the congregation, the Church Council is responsible for: approving the Church Budget for presentation to the Church; long-range planning; appointing members to fill vacancies on other committees and Ministry Teams; as well as coordinating the activities and operations of the Church, its Support Boards, and its Ministry Teams.
Provides financial oversight for the church and verifies that donations are being spent wisely.
Works with committee chairs and ministry team leaders to connect with members of the congregation who may be interested in serving on a church committee, and work with church members through the recruitment/discernment process.
oversee annual scholarship applications and ensure the timely and fair disposition of funds from the Jay McKelvey Scholarship Fund.
Supports an open relationship between the clergy and other staff with the congregation, helping the pastor and members of the church share ideas, hopes, dreams, and interpretations of the mission. It helps the clergy know what people in the church are thinking and provides a framework in which issues can be dealt with constructively and confidentially.
Governing body that represents the interests of the parishioners through church maintenance, renovations, and use of facilities.
Plan and coordinate weekly worship services to add special aspects such as seasonal music and outreach initiatives.
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